Friday, October 25, 2013


Percakapan bahasa Inggris perkenalan

Aldin dan Veni adalah dua orang yang belum saling kenal dan mereka secara tidak sengaja bertemu di sebuah ruang tunggu pada suatu hari. Mereka terlibat dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris perkenalan yang menarik. Simak percakapan mereka di bawah ini dengan baik.

Aldin : Hi, I am Aldin. What’s your name?

Veni : Hi Aldin, I am Veni.  Where are you from Aldin?

Aldin : I am from Indonesia. What about you?

Veni : I am from Singapore.

Aldin : Singapore? I really love the food of Singapore. What’s your job there?

Veni : I am a manager of a Hotel. How about you? What do you do for a living in Indonesia?

Aldin : I am a doctor and now work as a director in a hospital.

Veni : That’s so great. Actually, how old are you?

Aldin : I am thirty-two years old.

Veni : Amazing. You are young and smart. I was thirty-five when director took me as a manager. So, what’s your education?

Aldin : I am a graduate of Gajah Mada University especially for medical school. How about you? What’s your education?

Veni : I am graduate of University of Singapore.

Aldin : Nice. Do you have a hobby?

Veni : Yes of course. I like surfing.

Aldin : Indonesia has may spot of surfing. One of them is Bali.

Veni : I got it. I have surfed there for twice and I love Kuta.

Aldin : Great, but sometime I want you to know Lampung. There are a nice spot for surfing like in Bali. This is a new place that so different.

Veni : Really? I am interested to try.

Aldin : I can accompany you to go there next week. Because my family and I are going to Lampung.

Veni : Seriously? I am quite happy about that. May I ask your phone number?

Aldin : Yes. This is my phone number 081234508797.

Veni : Ok. I will call you. Very nice to meet you and see you next week in the airport.

Aldin : Yaph, nice to meet you too.